She is our apricot colored standard poodle. She is the smallest of our poodles weighing only 38 pounds. She is a very loving and very intelligent. She has a wonderful personality, occasionally smiling. She is also a lapdog whenever possible. She loves to go running, hiking and dog sledding. We are no longer breeding Hemi
Our Girls
She is our parti-colored standard poodle. She is also small weighing in at 41 pounds. She has a great personality with lots of energy. She also loves carrying things around in her mouth including any socks or shoes she might find. She also loves to run and retrieve the ball. She also really loves dogsledding.
She is our dark-red (Auburn) colored standard poodle. She weighs 40 pounds. She is also very agile and loves running. She is a very excited and happy dog. She just loves the snow and the cold doesn't seem to bother her. She also loves dogsledding.
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